Sunday 14 August 2016

So long farewell Redwing!

So the last session of the summer was Core Camp, this is where the girls come with their troop and their leaders to experience camp and do all the fun things we have to offer. It's a different setting than having girls without parents and leaders but enjoyable all the same. They were only here for 3 days but they managed to pack all the activities in! It was also my last time canoeing on the Connie for a while so that was sad!

When the troops left we went straight into end of camp cleaning, we spend 2 days intensively cleaning camp so it can be locked up ready for its next programmes throughout the Autumn and Winter. Needless to say it's a tiring couple of days but we finish it off by having a Staff banquet on the Thursday evening. It was a really lovely evening seeing everyone together for the last time, I'm definitely going to miss everyone like crazy! It's been a busy and eventful summer but I couldn't think of anywhere I would rather be!

After an emotional farewell on Friday to all my friends, Petrie came to pick me up and we headed to her house. We ate lunch and then headed to Kennywood; the theme park in Pittsburgh that I have never been to! When we arrived all the rides were shut because of thunder and rain so we wandered around and played games for an hour and a half until the rides re opened. We then got to ride a couple more and the same thing happened again...! The weather was not on our side! Fortunately the weather cleared up and we were able to ride the rest of the rides, it was so much fun! I won a toy turtle which I named Alvin, my aim is to get him home so let's see if he fits in my luggage!

Yesterday and today I have been sleeping a lot and just chilling whilst Petrie has been at work. It's been really nice! It's the calm before the storm of travelling home tomorrow. I can't believe how quickly this summer has gone! I've made more amazing friends and can't wait to (hopefully!) come back next summer!

As I fly home tomorrow this is probably my last blog post! Thank you all for keeping up-to-date with my travels!

Love Charlotte x

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